椎井 亮太 / Ryota Shii



  1. The 2-adic valuations of the algebraic central \(L\)-values for quadratic twists of weight 2 newforms (joint work with Taiga Adachi, Keiichiro Nomoto), arXiv
  2. On \( \Lambda \)-submodules with finite index of the plus/minus Selmer group over anticyclotomic \(\mathbb{Z}_{p} \)-extension at inert primes, arXiv.



  1. On the Mazur–Tate refined conjecture for the anticyclotomic tower at inert primes, 2024/11/23, 津田塾大学整数論ワークショップ 2024 (at 津田塾大学)
  2. On non-trivial \( \Lambda \)-submodules with finite index of the plus/minus Selmer group over anticyclotomic \( \mathbb{Z}_{p} \)-extension at inert primes, 2024/3/7, 第20回数学総合若手研究集会 (at 北海道大学)
  3. 惰性的素数における反円分\( \mathbb{Z}_{p} \)-拡大上の plus/minus Selmer 群の非自明な指数有限\( \Lambda \)-部分加群について, 2024/1/7, 第6回情報数理セミナー (at 呉工業高等専門学校)
  4. On non-trivial \( \Lambda \)-submodules with finite index of the plus/minus Selmer group over anticyclotomic \(\mathbb{Z}_{p} \)-extension at inert primes, 2023/11/23 ~ 26, 第19回北陸数論研究集会「超幾何関数の数論とその周辺」(at 金沢大学サテライトプラザ) (ポスター発表)
  5. On non-trivial \( \Lambda \)-submodules with finite index of the plus/minus Selmer group over anticyclotomic \(\mathbb{Z}_{p} \)-extension at inert primes, 2023/11/10, Mini-workshop for young number theorists (at Korea Institute for advanced Study in Korea🇰🇷)
  6. On non-trivial \( \Lambda \)-submodules with finite index of the plus/minus Selmer group over anticyclotomic \(\mathbb{Z}_{p} \)-extension at inert primes, 2023/7/14, 第22回広島仙台整数論集会 (at 広島大学)
  7. 惰性的素数における反円分\( \mathbb{Z}_{p} \)-拡大上のplus/minus Selmer群の指数有限\( \Lambda \)-部分加群について, 2023/3/2, 九州代数的整数論2023 (at 九州大学).